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Old 07-02-2014, 11:42 AM   #35
Jim in CT
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The liberal reaction to this was perfectly predictable. And tiring. And dishonest to the core.

(1) conservatives want to deny women their right to healthcare. Insane. HL was willing to provide 16 of the 20 forms of contraception mandated by Obamacare. They only objected to the 4 that don't take effect until after the egg is fertilized, which they see as abortion.

Have liberals become so paralyzed with entitlement that they actually claim that if someone doesn't wish to buy something for you, that's the same as them denying you access to that something? Have liberals completely abandoned the notion of self sufficiency? I am bald. My employer will not pay for me to receive a scalp transplant if I asked. Is my employer therefore denying me of my right to get a scalp transplant? Of course not. I can get it on my own if I so choose. He is under no obligatuion to give me everything I could possibly want, and he's not denying me access to anything when he says "I'm not paying for that".

(2) The owners of HL are imposing their beliefs on their employees. Ridiculous. The owners of HL are not trying to change their employees' minds about Christianity or abortion. The employees are still free to do whatever they choose. They just have to leave their employers out of it. The only ones here subjected to coercion, were the owners of HL, who were being forced by the feds to be complicit in that which violates their religion.

This should not have been a toughie, it should have been 9-0.
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