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Old 07-14-2014, 10:05 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
This is technically new news. It was old before it was new.

All those news which you have in the past dismissed as "old news" were "technically new news". As you've liked to say, it cuts both ways.

I guess one might ask why GOP leaders were still pushing the stand down conspiracy long after they knew it wasn't valid?

At the time, it "technically" was not a "stand down" order, as we've discussed previously. That is a "technical" military term which encompasses a great deal more than merely ordering, or deciding, not to go. But, in civilian perspective, it might not amount to much of a difference. They shouldn't have used the technical military phrase "Stand down." I don't think they've used the phrase recently, have they? I haven't followed that old story.

Besides, the entire Benghazi issue is about a great deal more than using the phrase "stand down." As we have previously discussed, it is about administrative competence, including that of a person who is seeking the presidency. It is about why the administration was pushing the evil video conspiracy when they knew it wasn't valid as such. It is about the whole notion that the administration's policy negated the true presence and influence of Al Qaeda and its affiliates, and was validating its leading from behind policy and its developing disengagement from the Middle East by the notion that Al Qaeda was on the run and Islamic "extremism" was fueled by our meddling there and would be on the wane if our presence were diminished, even to the point of unconcern with who or what would emerge as a result of the so called "Arab Spring." Optimism about administration policy and perspective was spun for public consumption.

The current picture doesn't support the administration's spin. In those who are not driven by party politics it does not inspire the confidence worthy of maintaining this administration's, and its individual operatives, power.

If the GOP is using this, and a host of other "scandals," in order to replace the Democrat regime with its own, surely you can understand that. In response to Democrat shenanigans in some previous post you merely shrugged them off as "politics." Both parties play "politics." Right? What's good for the goose is good for the gander?

Besides, you often maintain that Bush, or Romney, or any Republican would do the same as Obama. So what's the difference? Why do you even care? You just prefer Frick instead of Frack? Or are you partial to Democrat politicking and spin because it is slicker, "smarter"? Maybe that's your gauge--those who have the "smartest" most influential spin are demonstrating superior ability and therefor most likely will rule the best?

Your article is your dreaded "old news" or "new old news" or shockingly new old stuff that is supposed to divert us from the heart of the matter to focus on peripheral fluff. That is the "competent" technique this administration and its press supporters use in a constant damage control mode. It is a very old, and very rancid technique which, when overplayed, begins to expose itself and wear out its effectiveness. Or not.

Anyway, the Benghazi thing is just another symptom of our broken political process. What has broken it goes to the core of who and what we are as a nation. It goes to the principles of our founding and the rejection of those principles in favor of an indeterminate process of governance. It is no wonder that we gravitate to the slickest, "smartest" spinners of what is good and right.

Last edited by detbuch; 07-14-2014 at 10:17 AM..
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