Thread: Missouri
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Old 08-20-2014, 01:43 PM   #50
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
And have you seen anyone, other than people driven by ratings on MSNBC claiming Al Sharpton is in the right here? I'm all for letting justice play out, but a lot of red flags on this case, and this department. Hell, did you see the mayor of Ferguson?

You are not wrong, but I don't know the answer. I ask questions about how the criminals get guns and I get spouted back the same BS. tougher laws AFTER they get caught w/ a firearm and we have enough gun laws already.
"And have you seen anyone, other than people driven by ratings on MSNBC claiming Al Sharpton is in the right here?"

What I don't hear (except on one TV station), i steh media saying that Sharpton is a proven liar with zero credibility and whi is a dangerous liar and therefore shuold be ignored. It's not enough for the media to be silent on this topic. Responsible journalism demands that Sharpton be called out for what he is, so that his influenced is diminished. If you see what has happened there, you'd conclude that a non-trivial number of people are reacting to the message of people like Sharpton.

Also, the governor has called for "prosecution". Not calling for an "investigation", but for a "prosectution", implying that there's enough evidence to establish a likelihood of guilt. Obama and Holder have expressed sympathy with residents because of "distrust of police", when we have no evidence to support the notion that the cop who shot this kid is not to be trusted.

Here's what gets me. If the cop was black, no one would have heard of this event. Therefore, it's about race, and nothing else.

Maybe this cop is a bit skittish, and is the type who shoots too soon when put in a dangerous, though non-lethal, situation. There are a lot of people like that, and it doesn't make them racist. Meaning, even if the cop was not justified in shooting this kid (which is a big 'if' at this point), that doesn't even come close to making the cop a racial assassin. Being un-suited for law enforcement, is not the same as racism.

"I ask questions about how the criminals get guns"

And that's a good question, but it's not the most important question. It's not just about the guns, because there are places with high rates of gun ownership that have low crime. You and I could have a collection of guns, and we'd never hurt anybody. To solve a problem, you need to get to the actual cause, and in my opinion, the cause of this problem isn't guns (though guns play a very large role). The fundamental problem is that as a society, collectively, we have a lot less empathy for each other than we did a generation ago, and less than the generation before that. The problem is a lack of empathy, a lack of values.

This president was in a unique position to possibly change what's going on in the black community, where 70% of kids are born out of wedlock, and that's a lot more fundemental to this issue than guns. And he has done almost nothing in that regard, an abject failure.
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