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Old 09-15-2014, 10:13 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
Really interesting article to read:

The reality is that any president's foreign policy record depends heavily on luck, external factors, cyclical trends, and legacy issues. And, to be sure, Obama inherited many of his greatest challenges, some of the biggest beyond his control.

Read it all.

Originally Posted by scottw View Post
The reality is that any president's domestic policy record depends heavily on luck, internal and external factors, cyclical trends, and legacy issues. And, to be sure, Obama inherited many of his greatest challenges, some of the biggest beyond his control.

The reality is that any president's economic policy record depends heavily on luck, internal and external factors, cyclical trends, and legacy issues. And, to be sure, Obama inherited many of his greatest challenges, some of the biggest beyond his control.

we really don't even need a president if this is the standard, he should be encouraged to spend the next two years vacationing and golfing, fund raising as pretty much everything he struggles with is "inherited and beyond his control" or "luck"

love "top diplomat speak"
Exactly, under the progressive system of government we don't need a president. That office is merely a leftover appendage of the old constitutional order. This "new" and improved system only requires that some ruling class of expert bureaucrats and regulators run the country, and our lives, through their more advanced expertise. How they get their office is irrelevant, especially since they are already in position and can appoint their successors, again, by the superior wisdom of their expert wisdom.

But, for the sake of appearance to appease us backward types who still cling not only to guns and bibles, but to some antiquated mode of elections, democracy, rule of law, and such cumbersome stuff, we must go through with the silly old process. But after the dust settles, the rulers, after pretend battles over legislation or appointments, always wind up agreeing to maintain and expand the progressive system over the constitutional one.

And as for the president's apparent lack of culpability in matters of foreign, domestic, and economic policy and performance--that perfectly fits the evolved progressive mantra that personal responsibility is not possible in the new age. As Obama said--you didn't do that. Somebody else did. You inherited your challenges and your luck, and they are beyond your control. Ultimately, it requires the collective (guided by its ruling class of experts) to solve problems and create possibilities.

On the other hand, John, your article did make some good points. Albeit within the Spencerian context of bureaucratic machinations beyond the reach and control of us simple and rather irrelevant, helpless individual citizens.
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