Thread: Ferguson
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Old 11-24-2014, 03:18 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Does anybody really believe that the officer intended to murder anybody? You fight your way into a cops car, good night.

SOmeone need sto tell these morons that it's not always a crime when the cop is white and the dead kid is black. Even if the kid is unarmed, even if the shooting is unjustified, there is a huge difference between murder, and a cop maybe being too quick to conclude thathi slife was genuinely in danger. If it's the latter, it's not a crime, it means he shouldn't be a cop.

I don't know any details here. But we have the best system (though imperfect) in the world, let it play out. What does it say about the citizens there, that the governor declared a state of emergency before the grand jury was done deliberating.

I saw Rudy Gulianni on a show, and he wondered why these cases get so much attention, when it goes almost unnoticed that 90% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks. Michael Eric Dysin, one of the worst people on the planet, called Gulianni a white supremacist for syaing this. Dyson also said that white police forces are an "occupying force" in urban areas (forget that they are mostly there to protect blacks, mostly from other blacks) which actually CAUSES crime. This idiot teaches at Georgetown. I'd love to be a white kid in his class.

Why does ANYBODY listen to the likes of Al Sharpton, world-class tax-cheat and race hustler?
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