Thread: Ferguson
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Old 11-24-2014, 10:42 PM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I doubt the indictment would be for murder, there are other lesser charges that could indicate belief in a wrongful death. If the rumor about evidence supporting the case that Brown had powder from a shot on his hand is true I doubt they'll indict the officer.

The bigger picture here is that you have a poor mostly black community with a mostly white police force and a long list of allegations of racial bias. It's a powder keg waiting to happen. Most of the protests have been peaceful and early on were met with a militarized response.

I read an interesting article today asking why when young white people protest or riot it's not looked at the same way. I remember being tear gassed at VEISHEA years ago at Iowa State. There were fight rings in the crowd, towers of burning furniture, flipped cars, smashed windows all sorts of stuff being thrown at the police.

Hahaha, silly drunk white college kids.

And that was just over the police breaking up a few keg parties!
"Most of the protests have been peaceful and early on were met with a militarized response." Yes, yes. It was just a few people carrying signs that said "we respectfully seek to exercise our right to petition for reddress of grievances", then the cops, for no reason, sent the tanks in like Tienneman Square. That's exactly, precisely what happened.

Saw a guest on MSNBC saying that the cops did what they always do, let the cop go, and that no change can come of that. She offered no evidence, none whatsoever, to justify her opinion that the cop should have been indicted. To her, the color of the cop's skin was all she needed to know. And no one calls her a racist.
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