Thread: CIA and torture
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Old 12-18-2014, 10:58 AM   #29
Jim in CT
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Hard to imagine where the elites are coming from. They're saying, Spence is saying...that if we had some fat pig terrorist in custody who we were as sure as possible, had info that could have prevented the school attack in Pakistan, we shouldn't pour water up his nose or deprive him of sleep to save those lives? We're willing to sacricice the lives of little kids, on the altar of some "moral high ground" that serves no purpose except to make things easier for the wolves? In my mind, it would be immoral not to torture someone who was planning such an attack, and if the attack is imminent, i'd go a hell of alot further than waterboarding, and I'd sleep like a baby after (after talking with my priest first).

I don't get it. I shoud have been alive in the 1950s, I can't say I like the look of things...the cops are the enemy, and cop killers like Abu Mumia Jamal get honored to speak at college graduations. And 99% of our college professors who teach our kids, have no quarrel with that. That's super.
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