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Old 12-23-2014, 10:39 AM   #58
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Good we can agree that Hannity is a clown. He's actually much less of a clown on his radio show but for some reason turns it up for TV.

This whole story isn't really about Brown and Garner. It's about a much broader perception that black men are judged and treated with a negative bias. The spotlight on recent events has just snowballed and people are demanding action.

The guy was also clearly crazy.

I don't think there's a "systemic pattern of racial assassinations" by the police. I do think there appears to be patterns of bias within the system that leads disproportionally to more killing of unarmed black men. The cops aren't out looking for people to shoot.

I also think the process of oversight in these events is so heavily biased towards the police that it gives the appearance the system isn't fair. Granted, the police should be given the benefit of doubt, but the indictment process could likely be improved.

Either the system is biased against black men or people just seem to think so...either way the outrage is real. A big problem is a lack of good national data...this would be a great place to start.

And as for those "words" you keep mentioning. How about the ones claiming the Mayor is nearly complicit in this crime? How much damage are they doing?
"Good we can agree that Hannity is a clown"

100% agreed.

"It's about a much broader perception that black men are judged and treated with a negative bias. "

I also agree that the issue is the perceived bias toward black men. But I disagree that that bias exists in a systemic way - there are racists of course, but the fact that we have a 2-term black president ought to end the myth that institutional racism exists. It does not exist. But your side will not get off that soapbox, and it's done for political capital.], and at the expense of the people you claim you're trying to help.

"The spotlight on recent events has just snowballed and people are demanding action"

Agreed 100%. But it is disgraceful that the media and the liberals tried to conect these 2 recent events to race, because there isn't a shred of evidence that race had anything to do with it. But people like Sharpton and Obama can't ever say that, because liberals, as a group, view everything through the lens of racism.

If we want to talk about police brutality as a result of these events, fine. But there's no need (other than for political capital) to use these events to fan the flames of racial animosity. I can't say it any more accurately that that.

"bias within the system that leads disproportionally to more killing of unarmed black men. The cops aren't out looking for people to shoot."

Again, you are too blinded by ideology to see the truth here. Please tel me which part of "the system" sets black men up to me more likely to be killed by cops. I agree blacks are disproportionately killed by cops. But it's not because cops hold blacks to a different standard, it's because blacks are, because of their culture, more likely to find themselves in the socio-economic condition that leads to crime.

That's not the fault of the Koch brothers or Sarah Palin, it's not the fault of Bush or the Tea Party. If anything, black culture has been pushed there by the liberal agenda, which tells blacks that nothing that goes wrong is ever their fault, it's always that they're victimized by whitey. Liberals have also reduced incentive to excel by making many addicted to welfare.

Can you specify which part of the "system leads disproportionally to more killing of unarmed black men". How is "our system" causing this, exactly? Do blacks who go to college and get degrees in engineering not succeed? With afirmative action and quotas, if anything, "the system" is tilted in favor of blacks who are willing to make god decisions and work hard.

"A big problem is a lack of good national data" Wrong. The national data has to be there, they just don't share it on MSNBC because it spits in thre face of their agenda. If anyone claims to care about black lives, why begin with white cops killing black kids, when the vast majority of black kids are killed by other black kids? Why make so much fuss over something so rare? Political theater.
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