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Old 12-23-2014, 03:14 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Not changing the subject, I just think it's pretty silly to claim political correctness had muted criticism of Obama when he's been subjected to the most racially motivated attacks I've ever seen.

Disregarding and not responding to my main point (your extreme characterization that "nobody" would insult Obama rather than, as I said, less would do so) in order to focus on a reason for that point is changing the subject. And replacing the word "insult" with "political correctness" and "racially motivated attacks" is also changing the subject. "Insults" have a much wider scope than your peeves about political correctness or racial attacks, neither of which necessarily involve insults. And you, again, make a switch--from less ("muted") criticism to the "most" racially motivated attacks you've ever seen. Criticism can involve so much more than racial attacks. Actually, a racial attack would be more of an irrational rant than a criticism. Actually, most of the criticism of Obama that I've ever seen involved his policies, not his race. In fact, though I'm sure there must be some, I don't remember any criticisms of him due to his being black.

You have this maddening habit of morphing from what is said into whatever ax you wish to grind. That you "perceive" that Obama is subject to the most racially motivated attacks you've "ever seen" is too subjective for me to respond. If you want to factually quantify that statement and flesh it out to what you consider a racial "attack" that would make a discussion possible. Otherwise, its just your opinion which may be provocative but not interesting. I recall a previous thread where you thought you were listing racial attacks when nothing on your list was actually racial. And when you could not verify that they were, you referred to them as "code." That's too convenient and unconvincing.

As for the most insulted? I'm sure history has it's moments but certainly within my lifetime.
Your lifetime and your "perception." The first is too short to be relevant, and the last is too subjective to be meaningful for anybody but you . . . or those who want to be told what you say.

Last edited by detbuch; 12-23-2014 at 03:39 PM..
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