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Old 01-12-2015, 10:39 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by JohnnySaxatilis View Post
How bout instead of pushing for free community college programs that will probably suck and not have any kind of transfer value to other institutions, we try to reduce the overall cost of existing colleges...
As long as the market for education remains distorted by third party government money, that is not possible. The only way to bring education cost down is either having it operate under a market system driven by market forces, or to have the government become the sole provider and totally socialize it. We are trending toward the latter.

We are in a transitional stage, heading toward elimination of market forces deciding prices and toward totally socializing "public" institutions. And those things of an economic nature which are still considered "private" will eventually become "public," including property. This has been happening slowly with intermittent spurts (in times of "crisis"), and when a "tipping point" is reached, it will happen quickly. Witness what has been happening to health care.

Banking, and industry are trending in that direction. As business in general becomes more consolidated into larger conglomerates, "economies of scale" as Spence likes to put it, it will become more difficult for smaller business enterprises to cope with the expanding regulatory requirements that government imposes on the economy, and which far more benefit big business. The symbiotic relationship between big business and big government will evolve to the point where government and business are one. Most likely, "small" businesses will, in order to capitalize and compete, become part of a franchise system under the umbrella of large corporations.

Education and health care will be totally "public" in nature and wages and costs will be rationalized and strictly controlled by government. Wages will not fluctuate significantly from one system to another in order to bring equity to the public marketplace. There will be no disputes over price gouging or "fairness" since all will be provided with similar benefits, wages, and opportunity to be given comfortable employment.
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