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Old 01-28-2015, 09:54 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post

Gee golly . . . just what we need . . . a continuation of Bush vs. Clinton . . . wonder if Chelsea is being groomed. Weren't Bush Senior and Clinton good buddies. And, oh, hasn't it been established time and again on this forum that Obama continued and expanded Bush policies? Perhaps the Obama girls are waiting in the distant wings to join in the ruling class charade.

Are Jeb and Hillary more different from each other than are Jeb and Cruz from each other? Is Jeb more different from Hillary than he is from the Tea Party?
I loved Dubya, I'd have no problem with his brother - they both respect life, they both grasp that we're at war with radical Islam, they both believe that the free market can do more good than a massive federal government. Jeb's not my first choice either, but I like him a lot.

"Are Jeb and Hillary more different from each other than are Jeb and Cruz from each other?"

i would say yes. By a wide margin.

"Is Jeb more different from Hillary than he is from the Tea Party?"

Yes again, by a wide margin.

Depends on what your priorities are. Personally, abortion is huge for me. So are good old fashioned family values and Christian values. Through those lenses, Jeb couldn't be more different than Hilary...If all I cared about was immigration, maybe Jeb looks more like Hilary...but when I line them up side-by-side on the issues I care about, no comparison.

Whoever wins the GOP nomination would be a zillion times better than Hilary.
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