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Old 02-07-2015, 04:25 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think a much more important discussion here is the coming attempt to retake Mosul and ISIS's recent demand of a son from families there. It's quite likely their supply lines are stretched, their fighters weakened, the civilian population ready to revolt, and Iraqi military regrouped and an enraged Jordan perfectly positioned to divide the Syrian and Iraqi ISIS militants.
I hope what you imply, will happen. If the Muslims themselves can take care of the ISIS problem, that would be ideal. And if, after having done so, the Muslims begin to seriously reform militant jihadism out of their religion, and truly become a religion of peace, a tolerant religion which does not desire to forcibly impose itself on the rest of the world and which allows those in their midst to practice other religions, or other philosophical ways of life, and purge Sharia law of its oppressive dictatorial stuff, wow, what a wonderful world.

If, on the other hand, they don't reform, some other ISIS, or Al Qaida, or Muslim Brotherhood may just pop up again.
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