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Old 02-07-2015, 04:54 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
ISIS doesn't kill everyone. Certainly where they can they'll kill those who they consider infidels but they've left majority Sunni areas as is but subjected to their rule.

The Crusades were started by Christians in an It wasn't defensive at all and in sieges like for Jerusalem they certainly did massacre most Muslims and Jews. The Crusaders were also known for a lot of debauchery and land grabbing along the way.

Granted, the history of that area is very complex but I don't think you can claim any moral high ground with the behavior of European Christians over Muslims during those times.
families there. It's quite likely tr supply lines are stretched, their fighters weakened, the civilian population ready to revolt, and Iraqi military regrouped and an enraged Jordan perfectly positioned to divide the Syrian and Iraqi ISIS militants.
And how did the Muslims take over the lands that the Christians were trying to reclaim? Did they win those lands in a poker claim, or were hey awarded those lands in a lawsuit? Or did the conquer to get the lands?

Maybe "defensive" is the wrong word, but it wasn't done out of aggression, either. It was a reaction to someone else's aggression, very very similar to what we were doing at Normandy Beach in 1944, right?

In any event, for Obama to mention that as a pretext to talking about ISIS, at a National Prayer breakfast of all places, is beyond insane.

You make a lot of baseless military assumptions, and I'm shocked, yes shocked, that all of you speculation paints Obama as wildly successful in the war on terror, despite the fact that he denies that it exists.
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