Thread: Abuse of power
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Old 02-09-2015, 03:41 PM   #35
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Look at how much you post and insult the Pres. Is there anyone on here who insulted Pres. Bush that much?

So why/how did we get into Iraq? Was it a lie or the worse intelligence failure of our lifetime?
True. But what I do is a reflection of me, it doesn't say anything about everyone else who happens to vote the same way as me. You have posted that Tea Baggers are racist. i don't hold anyone else accountable for that statement, just you.

"Is there anyone on here who insulted Pres. Bush that much?"

I didn't realize the question was limited to those who post here?

"So why/how did we get into Iraq?"

You don't know? The vast, vast majority of our leaders in DC authorized the use of force, because the vast, vast majority of them (including your party's next nominee for President, Hilary Clinton) were certain they had WMDs.

"Was it a lie or the worse intelligence failure of our lifetime"

It wasn't a lie, that's for sure. There's a big difference between being wrong, and lying. Did Hilary lie when she said Iraq had WMDs, and when she authorized the use of force?

It's fair to hold Bush accountable for his incorrect conclusion, but a large majority in DC (including Senators Clinton, Biden, Kerry, Edwards) also looked at the same intelligence, and consluded that the invasion was justified.

So why is Bush criticized (which is fair), and those Democrats who reached the exact same conclusion as Bush, get a free pass? Hmmm?
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