Thread: Abuse of power
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Old 02-10-2015, 09:35 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Spence, do you really support corporate welfare . . . crony capitalism . . . ?? And I thought you feared too much centralization of business. That you didn't like corporations getting too big. Too powerful.

Geeze, whoda thunk that the biggest healthcare corporation would actually like everybody to be forced to buy their stuff. And if they couldn't afford it, the government would subsidize or pay for it. And that the big corps. wouldn't mind at all if a bunch of their previous clients had to pay more and/or have higher deductibles, so long as they were forced to do so. No skin off the corporation's back, and more money, guaranteed, in their pockets.

It seems to me that the concept of insurance is changing. It used to be an advantage for the client to have insurance over those who didn't. Which made it worth buying. Just seems that when insurance is universal, mandated, there is no advantage to having it since everybody does. And it seems that for those who don't get subsidies, the insurance has now become a disadvantage.
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