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Old 02-23-2015, 12:01 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Rudy Guiliani catching heat for saying Obama doesn't love the country

Fact...Obama's spiritual advisor, Rev Wright, is a deranged lunatic who hates the country. of Obama's political mentors is Bill Ayers, an admitted domestic terrorist.

Fact...Obama's wife said she wasn't proud of America until her hubby got the nomination in 2008 (we never did anything to be proud of before that, no free elections, no freedoms, no generosity shown to other countries, we didn't save the world in the 1940s or anything).

Guiliani's statement, in a rational world, wouldn't even be controversial. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck.,..

Obama doesn't love the fundamental values that forged our nation. In equally shocking news, scientists proclaimed today, that water is wet.
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