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Old 02-24-2015, 03:23 PM   #25
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It was also a very politically stupid thing to say. Now, instead of GOP contenders working to sharpen their rhetoric they're being dragged into the "do you support Rudy" mud pit.

Perhaps the new Republican campaign slogan should be "hate before policy."
Right, because anytime a single Republican says something unpopular, you think all of them are accountable. Still haven't tried to refute the evidence Guliani offered to support his claim, I see. Easy to call him racist, a lot harder to make him wrong, based on what he actually said.

Marco Rubio nailed this perfectly. A reporter asked Rubio about Guliani's comment, and Rubio said "I'll tell you what I think of his comments, when you ask Democrat candidates why Bill Clinton is palling around with a known pedophile". The reporter didn't have much to say to that, naturally...
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