Thread: The Oscars
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Old 02-25-2015, 09:09 AM   #39
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Sea Dangles View Post
Jim,if you can't do a google search and find evidence to support my claim then what good are you?
Did you even try?
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I did do a google search. And when I did that, here's what I found...

(1) Every article that claimed there is a gender pay gap, was simply comparing average salaries for men and women. Not one of these studies normalized for occupation or hours worked. Therefore, no one who ever took Stats 101 would ever conclude that the pay gap is a function of gender. This is precisely the case in th earticle cited in the only link you provided, from the Dept Of Labor.

(2) every study that did normalize for occupation and hours worked (which you need to do, to make it an apples to apples comparison) showed no gender pay gap.

Therefore, the data rejects the notion that we have a gender pay gap. What we have, is a situation where (all other things being equal)...those who work more hours, and those who choose the most lucrative positions, earn more than those who work fewer hours at less lucrative positions.

Shocker. In equally startling news, scientists announced today that water is wet.

We do not have a gender pay gap. We have a cultural effect where women tend to choose to work fewer hours, and women tend to choose less lucrative positions. That is a choice these women make, it is not remotely forced upon them. Again, since you self identify as "pro-choice", this should make you happy. If women (or men) want to maximize net worth, they can choose to work long hours as a hedge fund manager. If a woman (or a man) wants to leave work at 3:00 every day to greet her (his) kids getting off the school bus, there are plenty of opportunities that allow her (him) to do that. Choice all around!

Can you link one single study here, which supports your opinion? If not, I have a key question...what did you base your opinion on? I'd be genuilenly interested to hear it.

I posted several articles which directly address my point. You have posted none.
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