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Old 04-22-2015, 09:54 AM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
There is always a difference in your mind.

More vitriol.
There you go. You have no logical rebuttal to what I posted, so instead of admiting I have a point when I say you can't compare Hilary Clinton with some obscure right-wing nut, you dismiss it as vitriol.

Hilary Clinton denied that her husband was unfaithful, instead saying they were the victims of a "vast right wing conspiracy"

Hilary made a fortune in the cattle futures market (she increased her investment by a multiple of 100). It's OK when she uses fishy derivitives to make a personal fortune, but it's immoral when anyone else does it.

She claims they were broke when they left the white house.

She recently spoke about the damage being done by greedy hedge fund managers. Her daughter is married to one, but that's OK?

She claims that "businesses don't create jobs".

She claims to have come under a sniper attack on an overseas trip.

Those last two alone, should disqualify ANYONE from being President.

Paul, do you admit Hilary made those 2 statements (that businesses don't create jobs, and that she came under sniper fire)? If you concede she made those statements, then how in God's name is she fit to be President?

About businesses not creating jobs - that statement means that she is absolutely clueless about the basic fundamentals of how our economy works. No one who makes that statement could hope to get a 'D' in any Economics 101 course.

as to the sniper attack, there are only 2 possible explanations - she's either a liar, or she's unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality. If there's a third pissibility, do me a favor and let me know.

Dismiss that as vitriol, but you are backed into a corner from which there is zero escape.

I didn't even mention Whitewater, Travelgate, the FBI file scandal, Benghazi, the recent email controversy, or any truth that might be in the upcominng right-wing book about her selling influence as secstate to the highest bidder.
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