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Old 05-12-2015, 03:56 PM   #14
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I don't know who wrote this but it sums it up perfectly

"Quarterback A, let’s call him Aaron, admits he likes footballs that have more air pressure in them than the NFL allows and defies the officials to do anything about it. This story is repeated by a network’s No. 1 broadcast team as a funny little anecdote in the middle of a Patriots game, but no one can remember hearing it because it just wasn’t that important. Aaron remains an adored media darling and his coach and team are revered throughout the land.
Quarterback B, let’s say his name is Brad, confesses he shelled out $7,500 in bribes to doctor up the 100 footballs he used when he won a Super Bowl. The universe shrugs and the coach he won it with is the toast of the football broadcasting world.
Quarterback E, Eli, if you will, has equipment guys scour, scrub, soak, season, fold, spindle, mutilate and guard his ‘hand made’ footballs with their lives. He and his coach are the heroes of a nation for the two times they vanquished the evil menace known as the Patriots.
Quarterback P, Peyton, with the management team and Coach Fox committed 3 NFL rule violations: Denver team and coach fined almost 2 million for taping the 49ers' at Wembley Stadium 2010 and violating the NFL Salary Cap rule 2 times
Quarterback T, Tom, may or may not have started the AFC championship game with non-conforming footballs, but once they were removed from the game he went 12-for-14 for 155 yards, two touchdowns and 28 points in a half without them. For that, he and his coach are the cheatingest Cheatriots that ever cheated and there’s talk they should be killed with fire, their fields salted and their families banished from the land. The other Quarterback in that game, Andrew, also used deflated balls. No one seems to care.
Is it unfair? Is there a double or quadruple standard at work here? Absolutely. But like I said before, I’m over wanting the world to like the Patriots. Embrace the hate. Brady will win more games, more playoff games, throw more postseason touchdowns and hades-willing winning more Super Bowls than anyone else. When anyone accuses the Patriots of anything, it’s a scandal. When the rest of the world does it, there’s nothing to see here."

The United States Constitution does not exist to grant you rights; those rights are inherent within you. Rather it exists to frame a limited government so that those natural rights can be exercised freely.

1984 was a warning, not a guidebook!

It's time more people spoke up with the truth. Every time we let a leftist lie go uncorrected, the commies get stronger.
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