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Old 05-14-2015, 12:28 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Is Clinton citing specific religious beliefs that are shaping her position on issues of public policy regarding abortion or gay marriage?

What does it matter if she believes in the Rapture if this belief has no bearing on the issues at hand?
The "issues at hand" are shaped by the complex of political agenda with its media compliance. And that complex is instrumental in transforming a constitutional system which once denied the federal government a say in religious beliefs, abortion, or gay marriage into an increasingly totalitarian system of government in which the central government has everything to say about those things. "Public policy" and "issues at hand" of nearly every sort, in this transformation become the responsibility of the federal government to regulate. And the individual is no longer such, but must comply with and meld into the homogenous society dictated by the federal government.

The last vestige of power remaining to individuals from the vast residuum of rights granted to them in the original Constitution, is the vote. So "public opinion" has to be shaped into seeming to say that "the public" is OK with relinquishing its right of individual opinion and practice thereof to the dictates of central regulation.

The cooperative media trick in "interviews" is to ask questions in which the incorrect answer will transgress "public opinion" or, even worse, federal regulation. The assumption being that no one now believes in once honored individual rights regarding the "issues at hand." And, conversely, not to ask questions which might put the Media's favorite candidate in a compromised position.

If Hillary answers yes, there are various consequences, and if she answers no, there are other consequences. The electoral tightrope she is trying to walk and its illusory balance could be disrupted if her silence on various "issues" was broken by gotcha questions such as those posed in this thread, or others.

My point is, her answers to such questions, or anybody else's, shouldn't matter. Should be irrelevant. The questions shouldn't even be asked. That is, if we actually had a constitutionally limited government. But, in a tyrannical governmental system, only the "correct" answer is not only the acceptable one, but the one which may determine victory or defeat.

Last edited by detbuch; 05-14-2015 at 09:14 PM..
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