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Old 06-02-2015, 09:52 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
I went in the Navy
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Yeah, my buddies joined the Navy and I tried to join, but wasn't healthy enough . . .not because I was stoned through high school though . . . maybe it was just the income inequality at the time caused me poor health. It's said that the income inequality don't just cause slow economic growth, loss of jobs, slave wages, destruction of the middle class, but even gang violence, school drop-outs, general stupidity, and most of the social ills as well as poor health and all sorts of mental instability and poor self-esteem. Damn, if our government didn't near fix all the causes for those things and along come this new culprit to start it all over again!

I guess it wasn't inequality enough, until now, to totally destroy the country. But it's so bad now that we're more and more becoming unhinged. Men turning into women . . . even marriage coming out of the closet and turning gay. Babies turned from a blessing into a disease that need to be cut out of you.

But hell, they're saying that's the new freedom, so what's the fuss? What's the worry? And these millennials they talk about don't seem to want to own anything anyway. They'll be taking charge shortly and income probably won't be an issue. They won't have much by the sound of what they think about money. Maybe they're on to something.

Anyway, I thought I'ld google about what effects the income inequality had. Damn if I don't think the millennials ain't right? I got dizzy, if not mystified, by how cock sure the economic experts were about the effects of the income inequality, while at the same time they had different opposing views, and the google person would constantly intervene that nothing was proved. So I come away from it that the income inequality might cause all those bad things I said before . . . or not.

In the meantime, the millennials hear some politicians, who are rich as Croesus, going on about how they're going to bring the super rich to their knees if they get elected. Damn if it ain't stupid for rich people to say they're going to make the rich people pay for everything. And damn if it ain't stupid to believe them. I've been hearing that for a long time. But the rich get richer and the politicians right along with them.

In the meantime, the politicians cover their asses by giving the rest of us of food stamps and what they call health care and money back for this and that from the taxes they took from us, and keep the really poor folks on their side by not even taking taxes from them. And, just to make sure, in case enough Americans who are put out of work by the income inequality actually believe that they shouldn't, and wouldn't, work for what they've been told are slave wages offered by the m'effen business pigs . . . just too make sure the pigs have enough slaves to make them billionaires, the anti-rich . . . but rich . . . politicians bring in millions of Mexicano types who will gladly work for the slave wages. And maybe they'll bail out some big company whose supposed to be too big to fail (or donates too big to let go). So the politicos have everybody, from top to bottom, in their pocket.

So maybe the millenials are right not to want any part of it. But . . . nah . . . people are people. If they ain't right with God, they'll get in with the devil.

Last edited by detbuch; 06-02-2015 at 09:58 PM..
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