Thread: Chafee
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Old 06-04-2015, 07:43 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
And while I agree that not all of them are rock stars (I love Ben Carson and Bobby Jindal, but they just don't have much gravitas), every single one of them, would be a million times better than Hilary.
gravitas=dignity, seriousness, or solemnity of manner

Ben Carson may have more "gravitas" than all the rest of them in either party. I've never liked the word as has been applied by the progressive press to politicians. I'm not totally sure of what they mean be it, except that, maybe, progressivism infuses "gravitas" into a politician more, if at all, than "conservatism."

I think the greatest obstacle Carson has is his total lack of experience as a politician. Which, for me, is a plus. If you read the constitutional "qualifications" for President, there is no mention of political experience. That was not an accidental omission. Political entrenchment of the brain creates a different breed of citizen. It separates the "politician" from the "people."
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