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Old 06-17-2015, 03:36 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post

Vote them out? Just another nitwit waiting in the wings.

Correspond/Contact your representative? They just yes you to death and ignore as usual.

Switch Parties? Each one is chock full of idiots that are effing useless.

so how do we demand it of them.....I really want to know.
Disconnect from the party. No longer be a Democrat or a Republican.

Maybe find and back some common sense people in local politics.

Look where the Ted Kennedys and John Boehnors have gotten us.

Term limits is a start. Having a media that does not schill for mostly one side but begins to actively investigates stuff with journalistic integrity.

You work in a bureaucracy - you see how bad it is. We are going to let the professional leeches continue to do what they do and grow more bureaucracy? What we are doing as a country is unsustainable.

CAREER POLITICIANS. PROFESSIONAL CAREER POLITICIANS. Suckling at the public teat. So we are going to elect Bernie Sanders, a career politician, and champion public teat sucker? We are so doomed. Linday Graham? We are farked.

ELIMINATE all Corporate, Union, PAC, and political funding in excess of $100. Add a tiny tax percentage and raise some moneys to finance campaigns at a local/state/federal level. EVERY penny of every donor includes full name and a purple thumbprint (or middle finger).

Require College Professors to have real jobs for 3 out of every ten years ('cept real scientists - RIROCK - not Poli-scientists). Have them need to make a PAYROLL.

I do not think this is the Republic our forefathers (is that phrase a microagression safe room trigger?) had in mind.

Divided we have failed. We are so doomed.

Welcome to interesting times.

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