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Old 06-18-2015, 12:00 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post

Vote them out? Just another nitwit waiting in the wings.

Correspond/Contact your representative? They just yes you to death and ignore as usual.

Switch Parties? Each one is chock full of idiots that are effing useless.

so how do we demand it of them.....I really want to know.
What do you do with a house whose foundation has been destroyed?

Probably tear it down completely and draw up plans for a new house.

What if the foundation is still intact, but has some cracks and reparable faults?

Restore it.

Is our house now so irreparably divided by irreconcilable cracks and corroded by faults beyond repair?

Quite possibly so.

We are certainly no longer living in it. We live next to it in a tent which bends and blows with the wind of whim, is populated by would be family who are more strangers than siblings, and governed by ideological vagabonds who speak different truths to waiting pliable ears . . . all waiting for the house to be fixed . . . but each desiring different floor plans.

The disappointing irony is that the original floor plan was designed to accommodate a family of unique individuals who could in mutual harmony exercise their different desires.

Of course, we are all too human, too illustrative of the Cain and Abel story, fall too short of the glory of the founding creation. We squabble, cheat, coerce our way at the expense of those we should cherish as family in our house of freedom built like no other.

Overgrown egos have decided, for all of us, to knock down walls and stairways, and more, over time so that the house of many mansions will be hollowed out into one big hall in which their is no room to walk in your own private way, but whose purpose is for all to march in common in whatever direction we are told to satisfy our daily needs.

There is the illusion that we have become more diverse. Even gender is atomized from two into growing numbers dependent not on some natural design, but according to self identification. What, however, on the surface appear to be differences, are merely self-inflicted variations on the same theme of "equality." We must fit into the big wall-less room without complaint of claustrophobia.

You ask "so how do we demand it of them?" The "wall of separation" between you and the State has been knocked down. The overgrown egos who preached a "wall of separation between church and state" were lying. The wall, as it was, already existed in the original foundation: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. . . ." That "wall" (a word not mentioned in the Constitution) assured that the state could neither force upon the people the religion of its choice, nor could it deny, therefor, their freedom to exercise the religion of their choice. But the "wall" the overgrown egos erroneously "interpreted" (on purpose) into the design of their choice was to abridge the exercise of religion from interfering with the will and dictate of government. The lie, of course, is rather than being a wall, there is, in their design, none. The original "wall" denied the state unwanted entrance into the individual exercise of religion. But the State is now attempting to enter at its own will. And, as well, the walls of separation between the people and the state (comprised of all the walls in the originally designed house which accommodated all of its diverse inhabitants with unalienable rights) are to be eliminated.

The floor plan with which the overgrown egos are replacing the original design, has only one room. The room they created, which they regulate, and the rules which you will follow. You no longer will have the unalienable authority to demand anything of them. They will give you whatever freedoms that they deem will fit into their grand hall of equality.

If you don't like the new house being constructed for you to live in, you will have to join with enough people who oppose it and wish to restore the house in which they have walls against government coercion. That number has dwindled, and at an even faster rate under the current regime. That has to be accomplished from the ground up. The entrenched political top will not give up its power as long as it can convince 50+% of voters (and are not allowed to garner fake votes) that those who oppose them are "extremists" or fringe freaks or just plain stupid. The ruling class must legislate or approve notions such as term limits, or restricting their prerogative to be bribed, or trade campaign promises for donations, or to "act responsibly." All such notions which must filter through them are obviously non-starters for them, or are to be paid lip service, passed, and given loopholes by which they can be disregarded.

If the politicians are not legally bound, procedurally restricted, they will do as they wish. That they have transformed, by devious "interpretations," the law that bound them, and convinced us that it's too late to restore that law, and even that it was an impediment to their doing wonderful things for us, and have, as well, transformed our public and higher institutions of learning into disseminators of their ideology, makes it a long tough haul.

Either your in for the effort . . . or you will continually wonder "how do we demand it of them.....I really want to know."

Last edited by detbuch; 06-18-2015 at 12:24 AM..
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