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Old 07-14-2015, 12:12 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
I don't know, other than to say we will all be "equal" and divided as we bow to our Chinese Overlords in a decade or two.

I cannot see many possible outcomes other than some kind of massive nation state takeover of everything if we continue on the path we are on. We will be Greece or Aregentina except we will OWE close to the WORLDS GDP if we do not change course soon and hard. Here is a 2 year old chart:

All the "Doomsday" issues such as National Debt, unchecked illegal immigration (I am all for legal immigration), gangs, terrorism, global instability in markets, and conflict (ISIS, Eastern Europe, SCS/WestPAC, Iran and a Persian Gulf States Nuke Arms Race).

People are either not gaming out the next 2-3 decades, are smelling Unicorn Farts and Double Rainbows, or see this as an acceptable end state.
"as we bow to our Chinese Overlords in a decade or two. "

Have you seen what the Chinese stock market is doing? Not good.

I hear that any nation ending in "-aguay" is agood bet. Paraguay, Uraguay, etc.
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