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Old 07-22-2015, 05:52 AM   #15
Jim in CT
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When SCOTUS issued their gay marriage ruling, within a few hours, the White House was awash in rainbow lights. Obama ordered this spiking of the football, despite the fact that a huge number of Americans hated what the Court did, and last time I checked, Obama is supposed to represent us, too. He's not supposed to stick his tongue out at us and say "nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah, we win"..

This issue with the flag at half mast, isn't considered controversial by any meaningful number of people, and the ones who are bothered by it, are deranged. Yet he refused to do it for 5 days.

I can't think of more compelling evidence of where this guy's values lie, and how utterly at odds his values are, with those of so many Americans.
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