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Old 07-22-2015, 08:20 AM   #25
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
Problem with the Internet - you can't see when the Tinfoil Hat is on, or the Sarc Hat

I realize this interview is on Fox news, which as the people in government of one prominent Sanctuary City will tell you is not a real news source, but here is outgoing Army Chief of Staff Ray Ordierno. I really recommend you take the couple minutes and lok at the video.

Takeaway: ISIS could likely have been prevented with more engagement from US

Easy Read between the lines: Obama is either not getting info/opinion from his senior military leadership (doubtful) or willfully choosing against that advice.
"which as the people in government of one prominent Sanctuary City will tell you is not a real news source"

No, any news source that's not uber liberal, isn't real, you see.

"ISIS could likely have been prevented with more engagement from US" Well, we know this for a fact, because thanks to the Surge, they were decimated. More accurately, their predecessor, Al Queda in Iraq, was decimated.

"willfully choosing against that advice." He had to be aware of what so many were saying. He chose to ignore them. Now, it's possible that if he left behind a peacekeeping force, they all would have been killed, and you could argue that would be worse than the ISIS threat.

Here is what cannot be debated. On the day of his inauguration, Obama inherited a stable, pewceful Iraq. That peace and stability came at a horrific price to our country. Under his watch, those gains have largely evaporated.

And Nebe, one last time, can you please explain why it's not Obama's responsibility to spray round up on ISIS? He has had a lot of time to engage them if he wanted, and he has another 17 months. Why don't you include that on Obama's "to do" list? Why does his to do list sem to be limited to golf, fund raising, and attacking reporters who have th enerve to ask a tough but fair question?

The guy is so weak. He caves in to Iran without demanding the release of the Americans held hostage. How about the fact that Iran pays people to kill Americans, did Obama ask them to stop doing that as partof this deal, or not?

Now we are opening up Cuban embassies. There is a convicted American female cop killer who fled to Cuba, been there for a long time. When the Cubans came to Obama with their hat in their hand, begging to restore relations, why couldn't he have said "sure, I will restore relations, as soon as that cop-killing bitch is back in American custody".

He is SO WEAK. Like Carter, and Neville Chamberlain, he thinks appeasement will make all our problems go away. When does that ever work?
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