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Old 08-13-2015, 09:14 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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It's now being reported (not confirmed I don't think) that she had emails on her personal server classified as Sensitive Compartmentalized (SCI), which I think is higher than Top Secret.

It's also being reported that the classified info on her personal server was not flagged as classified when she received it. But that they WERE flagged as classified at the state department. Meaning, someone erased the classification, and then forwarded the emails to her personal server. That's a couple of felonies right there, just ask David Petreaus.

That, of course, explains her carefully parsed statement that she never received emails on her server that were classified at the time she received them on her server. Never mind that they were tagged as classified (or higher) just before they were sent to her server. That's not a concern to her.

Lucy, ju got some splainin' to do...

It's not possible that someone sent classified stuff to her personal server (it's an internet based server for Christ's sake) without knowing what they were doing. The only people who have access to that stuff, are trained on how to handle it, and what happens if you fail to comply.

This just rose to a whole new level.

And my bet is, she'll blame it, once again, on the "vast right wing conspiracy". Every TV station except one will ignore it.

I am DYING to know what Biden's team is thinking.
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