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Old 08-15-2015, 07:49 PM   #9
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Buxton, Maine
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Eric. Something that I learned about the old school pencils. Instead of 1 weight change it up and go with 2 or 3 with the one closest to the belly hook being the heaviest. This will set a good angle and give you a similar action to the older Gibbs plugs. Casting is affected a little but the action due to the angle the plug sits in the water is much better than 1 just with a heavy tail weight. Makes it a better finess plug to romance the fish when they are hesitant to hit. Old school ideas as casting distance wasn't the primary ideas or enphasis back then. Romance the hit makes for bigger an better fish in hard fishing conditions like calm water or August LOL. Plus keeps plug out of the rocks.Ron
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