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Old 08-18-2015, 08:53 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Oh he certainly was heavily involved with PP.

It does make you wonder if all this eugenics hype is a lot of nothing and the real issue is about women's health and control over their own bodies. Remember, back then abortions were done in back alleys and even information about contraception was illegal.
"It does make you wonder if all this eugenics hype is a lot of nothing "

Tell that to the black ministers who are trying to remover her likeness from the Smithsonian. Spence, is there any evidence that she didn't support eugenics? Just because that would help your personal agenda, that doesn't make it evidence.

"the real issue is about women's health and control over their own bodies"

Oh, it's not about killing babies, but "women's health"? Spence, why are so many women opposed to abortion? These women, like Carly Fiorina, are opposed to their own health? Do you honestly believe that?

More evidence that it's not about "womens health" - the bill to de-fund Planned Parenthood, would divert every single cent that currently goes to Planned Parenthood, to other "women's health" organizations that don't do the things that Planned Parenthood does. If the goal was to diminish women's health, why doesn't the bill propose to cut funding to women's health by a single cent? And why was the bill proposed by a female US Senator?

Do you ever get tired of ignoring the facts and trying to dishonestly demonize the other side? I guess it's easier than responding to what we are actually saying.
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