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Old 09-10-2015, 07:34 AM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
True, and with a lot of people getting their news from the Daily Show or from Facebook.

Thing is, there is a big blue world out there with a lot of bad guys playing chess. We're playing Caitlin and the Kardashians.

Is this the world you want your son to be a late teenager to come into within a handful of years?
"Thing is, there is a big blue world out there with a lot of bad guys playing chess"

We are currently projecting weakness, which is provocative to some of those bad guys.

"Is this the world you want your son to be a late teenager to come into within a handful of years"

Scary. And you didn't even mention the looming crisis from our debt and unfunded entitlements. Scary. Makes me wish I made more of my career decisions centered around money, so that I could better insulate my kids from the terrifying realities that may play out.
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