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Old 09-21-2015, 08:40 AM   #5
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Attleboro, MA
Posts: 453

Today is Day 20 for me. Was a smoker for 20+ years....quitting is easy, I've done it a thousand times. I would quit for a week (with no cheating) knowing in the back of my mind that I would go back to only relapse and feel like an idiot for torturing myself for a week!! Then the depression would kick in, kicking myself in the arse for relapsing after doing so good for a weeks time.
I had a health scare and I'm 44....I will never smoke another butt again. The 2 weeks waiting for test results were brutal....I was literally planning my funeral and feeling selfish and stupid for putting my family through the "unknown news" as well. The results came back negative....all is good. But, I got the swift kick in the arse I needed I guess. Quit before you have to go through it...
I wouldn't have been surprised in the least if something WAS seriously wrong with me though....and that doesn't mean there still can't be something that happens down the road....damage is done.
I found that the nicotine gum at CVS helped...AND TIME. I also found it was more mental this time for me....different than any other time I tried to quit. As they say..."You have to WANT to quit."
Good does get easier and easier. By the way, my truck is ash and smoke smell free....and to tell you the truth I pat myself on the back's a good feeling.
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