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Old 10-02-2015, 10:31 AM   #25
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
And I love how someone starts a conversation about gun violence and you try switching it to a thread about Blacks and Obama.

Obama inserted himself into this with his idiotic remarks last night, about how we are all numb to this. I'm not numb to this, he sure as hell doesn't speak for me or many of us. He went on and on about how those who think the answer isn't just gun control, are either stupid or don't care about the victims. Screw him and the Bolshevik horse he rode in on. We need to solve this problem, innocent people are dying. As I said in my first post here, the conservatives need to talk about some gun laws, and the libs need to be willing to talk about mental health, violence in movies, and saying out loud that too many Americans are making stupid choices and embracing stupid values, and stop making fun of those who are living the way we should all try to live (the bitter clingers, what a great comment that was, right?).
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