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Old 10-06-2015, 09:50 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Just keep repeating that to yourself.

There's a lot of repeating on both sides of this issue.

Here's the problem with that line of thinking. You could say the exact same thing about cars. Yet the government has invested billions in making cars safer,

I would prefer that the auto companies spent the billions in making cars safer. If "the government" wants to point a gun at them and make them do stuff, just pass laws to make them do whatever it wants them to do. It's a free country--as in the government is free to do unto others.

making highways safer and creating more regulations to make drivers safer...and it's worked...dramatically.

Interstate highways are actually a constitutional responsibility of the Federal Government. Didn't market competition always result in improved products over time even without government mandates, including better and safer cars? Oh, right . . . some things would never improve if the government didn't make it so. Hmmm . . . though highways and drivers and even cars have become safer, there are still more deaths and injuries because of them than because of guns. What is it, in the 30 thousands deaths per year now? Is that considered an acceptable number since the government has spent billions and made so many regulations? Maybe it'll have to spend more billions and make more regulations . . . for an even more dramatic results.

Did you know that current law prohibits the Government (CDC) from scientific studies on firearms deaths?

Right, only the government can make scientific studies.

We used to do it, up until the NRA lobbied to kill the funding in 1996. There's an old saying in business "you can't fix what you don't measure."

Wow . . . "business" actually has something (very little to nothing) to say in your discussion.

The idea that we can't even study the root causes of gun related death is absurd. Hey, if more guns makes you safer the only way to know is through long-term research.

Again . . . "we" the government must do the studying. Actually, studies re guns making you safer have been done by private sources and people showing that they do. Maybe the term was not long enough for you . . . or the government. I think the government prefers longer and longer terms since that costs more and more money. The government likes to spend money.

Ultimately you have to make guns harder to get as the gun proponent in the facebook video so clearly states.

Yes, and you ("the government?") have to make cars harder to get since they cause more deaths than guns. And make lots of other dangerous stuff like knives, hammers, various foods, and so on, harder to get. Maybe tax and regulate all that stuff more.

It has to be Federal so Jim can't keep reciting the same absurd talking point about Chicago.

Yes, it must be Federal! Local governments are obsolete. They just don't get it. They are too influenced by the people. Things, for better life and justice and freedom, should more properly be coerced by the superior wisdom of centralized bureaucrats.

It has to be long term. There are things you can do to make guns safer and harder to steal.

Yes, of course, long term . . . the longer and costlier the better. Forever, never ending, better regulations created, of course, by Federal regulatory agencies--the only true, correct and just arbiters and promulgators of actual "government."

We have to take mental heath more seriously for sure and yes, this could mean having some people's rights infringed.

Yes We (the Federal Government?) have to take it more seriously. After all, We The Government is best suited to eliminate those annoying differences among We The People which cause so many problems. Mental health should definitely be left in the hands of the Federal Government.

And, oh . . . by the way . . . yes "some" people's rights will be infringed. After all, that is the side effect of all the wonderful trillions of dollars spent and hundreds of thousand regulations made by the Federal Government . . . "some people's" in toto actually being "all" of the people's.

But none of this is going to happen until the NRA stops using it's deep pockets to bully politicians and whip gun advocates into a panicked frenzy of fear that the boogie man is going to destroy their freedoms.
Not the boogie man. The "government" with its even vastly deeper (seemingly unlimited) pockets and regulations used to bully us all into a panicked frenzy of fear over every "crisis" it invents or takes advantage of into living life the "government's" correct and safe way.

Last edited by detbuch; 10-06-2015 at 10:05 AM..
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