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Old 10-13-2015, 01:34 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Obama says Fox News made him 'seem scary' to small town Americans.

Right. It wasn't the fact that he has violent terrorists for friends, that for decades he worshiped at the altar of a shrieking, white-hating anti-Semite, his reference to everyone in middle America as "embittered people who cling to their guns and their religion," or the fact that he doesn't feel babies who are born alive are entitled to legal protection. It was just those big meanies over at Fox News that made him seem scary.

Thank goodness in an era when Islamists are beheading Christians the world over, where China and Russia are on the march, and Iran wants a nuclear weapon, and median incomes are down 6% on his watch, our President keeps his focus on the nation's real enemies: Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly.

Meanwhile, on a good night, Foxnews gets 3 million viewers, which is 1% of the US population, so I'd like to know how they have so much influence over the general population.
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