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Old 10-28-2015, 10:22 AM   #49
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I've told him that in the past.

I view the painting as giving a middle finger to all the racists out there who called him the N word, a ganster or the new one "You people".

Let's lie about his religion, his country, etc and then when we are upset say he is divisive.
What was sitting in Rev Wright's church for decades? Just a way to give the finger to racists? Because his sermons seemed to cast the net pretty wide, in terms of defning the enemies of that congregation (which seem to include all honkeys, not just the bad ones). And that, seems very consistent, with the mindset of someone who would want that painting, of all the painitngs in the world, to hang outside the oval office.

All the tea leaves say the same thing. Remember the "bitter clingers" comment, when the Great Uniter thought the mike was off. He also claimed that all Republicans do, the only thing they do, is "hate all the time".

After all that, I'm supposed to believe he gives a fig about my aspirations? He has absolutely no idea what motivates huge numbers of Americans. So he assumes were are motivated by racism. It can't be that our ideas are better (after all, liberalism is working SO WELL in CT, RI, Mass, IL).

Easier to paint me as a hater, than to refute what I'm saying, given the empirical evidence available to us.
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