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Old 10-28-2015, 08:00 PM   #64
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Why did you post that then? I thought the remark was about liberal policy. You don't have to go blaming the blacks and mexicans.

Is that because of liberal policy or urban demographics.

I'd note that rural poverty among children is much worse among whites, and that's focused in southern states that are largely more conservative.

Conclusion = You're just making things up.

So you're saying that it's the absence of minorities that makes liberalism work? First, I'm surprised you're admitting liberalism works anywhere, but then bringing it back to race again.

It's like I'm talking to Donald Trump.

Isn't that like calling yourself cool?
"Why did you post that then?"

Because it's funny that you ( a liberal) posted a study by CNBC (liberals) saying that the best "liberal" states, are the most white states. You got awfully defensive when I said that, and I haven't heard you offer an explanation as to why that is.

"You don't have to go blaming the blacks and mexicans.

Again, you post a poll saying white=good, and I'm the one blaming them. All I did, was point out that your favorite states, sure don't have a lot of blacks and Mexicans. Am I wrong there? Please explain. I did post my supporting facts (unlike you).

"liberal policy or urban demographics"

Both. The more urban the area, the worse a place it is for liberal policy. Which do you think it is, and why?

"I'd note that rural poverty among children is much worse among whites". Hmm, that's a head scratcher. Maybe because rural areas are predominantly white?

"So you're saying that it's the absence of minorities that makes liberalism work?"

Are you feeling OK? You said that, when you listed the best liberal states.

"I'm surprised you're admitting liberalism works anywhere"

Why are you surprised? I am honest. Liberal economics works where there is almost unlimited money, and very few low-income people who need to take more than they contribute. Common sense suggests liberalism works there. I admit that. Common sense also suggests liberalism can't work when the ratio of takers and taxpayers reaches an inflection point. I admit that, too. But you don't. I wonder why that is?

"It's like I'm talking to Donald Trump."

Except I live paycheck to paycheck, I am bald, I back up my opinions with irrefutable fact, and I am respectful until people give me a genuine reason not to be. Other than that, sure, why not.
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