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Old 10-30-2015, 03:37 PM   #201
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
So now in addition to France, we have to listen to what the Red Cross is doing? No more America leading, but instead follow the Red Cross.

She was in charge and took responsibility for it. Did Bush ever take responsibility for the colossal screw up in Iraq?
I'll tell you, when you disagree with me, you have a really hard time distinguishing what I actually said, from what you are claiming that I said.

I think we went through this before. I did not ever say we have to follow the French or the Red Cross. What I said was, I want to know why, in this case, everyone else sems to have done a better job of gauging the threat level. Why were we outperformed by everyone else in this case.

She seems to struggle with the concept of accurately summarizing threat level. Sometimes, she thinks the threat level is higher than it really is (like when she said she came undr sniper fire at an airport, when video showed her shaking hands with a big smile). In this case, it sure seems like we thought Benghazi was a lot safer than it actually was - after all, we left our people there, and denied their repeated requests for extra security.

Maybe you don't care about such things when the people under scrutiny are Democrats.

"She was in charge and took responsibility for it"

She did? By shrieking "what difference does it make" what happened?

"Did Bush ever take responsibility for the colossal screw up in Iraq"

Do you honestly not know if he has ever conceded that he was wrong about WMDs? As were a lot of other people, like Hilary. She made the same mistake that Bush did, and she supported the war based on the same evidence. So why don't you claim she made a colossal screw up, when she voted for that war, based on her often-stated conclusion that they had WMDs?

You have fun with that.
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