Thread: Is this true??
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Old 11-09-2015, 11:25 AM   #185
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Of course, it's all race, right?

Carson is running on his personal narrative and character. Being a brain surgeon doesn't provide a lot of direct executive experience. I am not saying he is not qualified, but at best, he has been loose with facts on this narrative.

**Caveat added to every post I make on this election: And yes Jim, Hillary lied about the sniper file to conflate things as well. Yes she probably knew Bill was having affair. Her story sucks as well. It bothers me that all around these are the best we have to offer.
"Of course, it's all race, right?"

If he wasn't black, the left wouldn't be this hellbent on destroying him. Ask Clarence Thomas how much Democrats like black people.

"Being a brain surgeon doesn't provide a lot of direct executive experience"

How about being chief of a department at John
's Hopkins? How about being of the Board Of Directors of Costco?

Hilary has executive experience, and she sucked at it. So is failing as an executive, suprerior to someone with less executive experience? By what logic is a proven failure superior to an outsider?

"at best[/B], he has been loose with facts on this narrative. "

Agreed. And Hilary, on the other hand, is a PROVEN liar, which cannot be denied. There is video evidence that debunks her bragging about coming under sniper fire. So I ask again, by what logic is an irrefutabke liar morally superior to someone who is "loose" with some facts?
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