Thread: Is this true??
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Old 11-09-2015, 01:08 PM   #206
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
apples and oranges
It's turning into an Abbott and Costello routine.

No proof whatsoever that no one from West Point didn't encoyurage him to apply, stating he'd get in if he applied. Is it crazy to interpret that as an offer of a scholarship?

CNN claims they "proved" he was lying about his violent tendencies, because they asked a couple of people who knew him 50 years ago who didn't remember him being violent. Somehow, to CNN, that's sufficient proof that he was lying, because it didn't cross CNN's mind that perhaps some people know that detail, and others don't. After all, everyone in your life has the same exact detail of you rthoughts, as everyone else, right? There's nothing you tell you rbest friend that you don't tell everyone. That's journalism, boy!

They sure as hell don't want to ask him about his experiences with working tirelessy to save babies in the womb, so instead they go through hi sgarbage to dig up dirt on him. Meanwhile, Obama can choose not to release his academic records, and they all kiss his ring and move on.
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