Thread: Is this true??
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Old 11-12-2015, 12:00 PM   #273
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
What about all the pro-choice Catholic organizations? They're all fake as well? Why not get the bishops to push them all out, I mean they're not really Catholics right?

Is it possible the Church's position isn't really that black and white because they need the people or to Dangles point because they want the money?

If the Church is willing to compromise a fundamental tenant what does that say about it's faith?
"What about all the pro-choice Catholic organizations? They're all fake as well?"

The organizations might be real, they might do a lot of good. Pro-abortion people can do wonderful things. What they cannot do, is be Catholics in good standing. Frame it any way you want, spin it any way you want. Being anti-abortion is a binding belief of the Cathchism.

"Is it possible the Church's position isn't really that black and white "

No. The church's position is as black and white as it gets. Some bishops may choose to tolerate pro-abortion folks (showing a lot more tolerance than your side does with pro-life folks), but that doesn't change the church's position on the issue, which is black-and-white.

"If the Church is willing to compromise a fundamental tenant what does that say about it's faith"

It says that Catholics share the same flaws that everyone else has. That shouldn't suprise you, but I guess it does.

I answered every single question you asked. Now, can I ask a simple one, and expect the same courtesy?

How come Hilary's lies don't say anything about her integrity, but Carson's lies say something about him? Please be more specific than "apples and oranges", that doesn't exactly explain the double standard you apply. Doesn't seem fair that I answer your questions, and you countinuously dodge mine.
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