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Old 11-17-2015, 11:18 AM   #51
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
It is also not 'solveable' by committing 100,000's of troops for an indefinite amount of time per the hawks either. This is not solely on Bush, and not solely Obama's fault or either Clinton's.

I don't know what the answer is, most options suck.
"It is also not 'solveable' by committing 100,000's of troops for an indefinite amount of time "

The "Surge", in Iraq, worked. Obama's removal of those troops, led to ISIS.

No one wants big numbers of troops over there for a long peropd of time. But it' sbetter to fight them there, than here. Better to figh tthem before they take out a city, than after. Correct?

"I don't know what the answer is, most options suck"

At a high level, I think the "what" is obvious and not complex - we have to kill all the jihadists, and everyone helping them. The "how" is going to suck. But it has to be done. Obama has no stomach for this, all he cares about is getting the hell out of office with poll numbers that meet his satisfaction, he's not up for this.
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