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Old 11-19-2015, 05:03 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
And there is no proof the ones trying to immigrate are the extremists. We all agree they need to be vetted and if they can't pass the vetting, they can't get in.

Are the states that don't want them going to stop people from visiting as tourists or even as students? What about the extremists with the French passports? Wouldn't they have gotten in?
"And there is no proof the ones trying to immigrate are the extremists"

Correct, the bad gyus don't wear signs, if they did, things would be easier.

What we can do, is go through a reasonable vetting process, to make sure these people aren't on any terror watchlists, things like that. That's what we typically do. But with these refugees, according to Obama's own security folks, we can't do that.

So what do we do? Make them promise that they won't blow anyone up? Is that good enough? we shoul ddiscuss that.

I'll concede that a large majority aren't terrorists. But if keeping out all of them stops one attack in the future, is it worth it to keep them out? Maybe, maybe not. We should be able to discuss it, without the d*ckhead-in-chief saying that anyone who isn't ready to welcome them with open arms, "isn't tough". That doesn't advance this. The man is utterly incapable of having a conversation with anyone who doesn't kiss his ring. I have never seen a POTUS so vindictive. And unless we elect Alan Greyson or Michael Savage, we never will again. I hope.
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