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Old 11-23-2015, 10:36 AM   #77
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
So we're not at war with jihadists? Somebody had better tell Jim.

Not much of a stink to re-instate Baathist officials? That's beyond idealistic thinking. It's silly actually.

As for those "simple fixes." I assume you mean like unilateral involvement in the Syrian civil war? Letting US troops stay in Iraq governed by Iraqi law?

This is a big and complex issue without any easy fixes. Obama's policy may have been cautious and assumed the Iraqi's would actually use the equipment we gave them. But the flip side quickly puts us into another protracted and messy war largely isolated from the International community.
"As for those "simple fixes."

Or our d*ckhead-in-chief could have listened to all the military advisors, and there were planty of them, who begged him to get a SOF agreement with Iraq to leave behind a sufficient peacekeeping force to maintain trhe stability which Obama inherited, and then completely squandered. The Surge worked. Al Queda in Iraq, which was the precursor to ISIS, was crushed, defeated, gone.

Obama truly believed he could make these people like us by projecting moral superiority over the previous administration. When it didn't work, he had no other ideas, he was a one trick pony.

Here's how effective Obama is at foreign policy. The doctor who helped us get Bin Laden, is stuck in a goddamn Pakistani prison. Not only have we not demanded his release, we still send aid to these people? Either cut the aid until he is released, or have Seal Team 6 storm the prison. Get this doctor out, bring his family here, and give him the $25 million dollar reward he deserves.

After seeing this guy languish in prison, why the hell would anyone stick their necks out to help us?

How long, O lord?
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