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Old 11-28-2015, 05:56 PM   #39
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think the list of death threats, murders, arson etc… that PP has had to deal with over the last 40 years speak for itself. You do understand why that clinic had police protection there on that day right?

It's ok to be against abortion, but the propaganda is going to incite the crazies, and if the propaganda is disingenuous then there's some liability to share around.
Lots of elementary schools now have armed guards. Is there continual violence against schools, or is it rare?

"It's ok to be against abortion"

I'm glad you concede I have that right.

"the propaganda is going to incite the crazies"

99% of the pro-life speech isn't going to incite anyone to be violent. Is it more leading to violence, then Black Lives Matter chanting "what do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW."

That's a wee bit more direct of a call to violence, than 99% of the anti-abortion language you hear. But no one is expecting you to concede that.

You want to say that the rhetoric is getting uglier, I agree. No shortage of it on your side, either. If you are opposed to abortion, it's not because you have empathy for the unborn, it's because you are waging war on women. If you say the entitlements need to be overhauled, it's because you hate poor people. If you believe in the power of the free market to provide upward economic mobility, you only care about Wall Street fatcats. Our president saying "Republicans gotta stop just hatin' all the time". Yeah, John McCain and Mitt Romney are a couple of real hatemongers.
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