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Old 11-30-2015, 01:47 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I get what he's saying, and I agree, my point was that most people don't really care about gang violence unless they're personally impacted. A lot of people do spend time trying to focus on the violence, but the reality is many don't want to hear about root cause drivers that don't fit their agenda.

Why do we incarcerate so many people and especially so many black men? It's not a discussion people want to have, nor is it a trick question.
"Why do we incarcerate so many people "

Because they break serious laws.

"and especially so many black men"

because black culture, more so than any other culture in our country at thi stime, embraces and celebrates a lifestyle that is a common path to prison.

There is a myth out there, and it's a myth, that prisons are full of otherwise law-abiding people who like to smoke a joint on the weekends. Almost nobody in prison is there for simple posession, and those that are, many were arrested for dealing but plead down to posession.

"It's not a discussion people want to have"

More accurately, it's not a discussion liberals want to have, because if they had the intellectual courage to be honest about what's really happening (read: tell blacks that most of their problems are 100% their own fault), they would anger the black community, who vote for Democrats 95% of the time. So instead of speaking the truth, liberals tell blacks that it's not their fault, but rather someone else's fault, preferably a white guy in a Brooks Brothers suit.

Most conservatives are happy to have the conversation. Problem is, you can't speak 10 words of truth, without being called a racist on every TV station except one.

"nor is it a trick question"

No, it most certainly is not. When I retire from the actuarial game, i want to be a life coach. Every single person who comes in, gets the same exact comment from me. "If you want to know what the problem is, look in the mirror. If you want to know what the answer is, look in the bible. That'll be $250, please. Next!"
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