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Old 11-30-2015, 04:59 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
I don't think race has a lot to do with it, here's why...

Black kids born into stable, loving, 2-parent households who make good decisions and do the right things, do just fine.

White kids born into poor, unstable, chaotic, single-parent households, don't usually turn out well.

It's not race. It's all those other things. And in the huge majority of cases, all those other things can be avoided by doing the right things. Stay in school, work hard, present yourself well, don't go near drugs, don't have kids until you are ready.
To be clear - I don't mean these problems happen because they are black, or genetically inferior. Like you I have seen great black kids from good environments do just fine and I have seen white kids from rough neighborhoods do awful. Having lived on both sides of the tracks I have also seen it firsthand.

Want to see good kids of all races and color? Go to a DODDS school overseas where the parents, of all races, create a better environment for their kids. We did it together, as kids, and did not need hasthags, hug rooms, and dog whistles to do it.

Originally Posted by spence View Post
I get what he's saying, and I agree, my point was that most people don't really care about gang violence unless they're personally impacted. A lot of people do spend time trying to focus on the violence, but the reality is many don't want to hear about root cause drivers that don't fit their agenda.

Why do we incarcerate so many people and especially so many black men? It's not a discussion people want to have, nor is it a trick question.
It is a discussion that should happen, but what is the root of the problem? Parents and opportunity - and there the cycle begins. Saving 1 kid is great but it is not enough, we have to save all of them. And yes, I saw those kids growing up, I saw them when I worked in schools, and I see them doing real well in Scouts. Want to save 50% of today's underprivileged young males? Put them in Scouting. Seriously.

40 years now we have been hearing how we are saving them but it is not happening. Trillions have been spent, free/reduced lunch (yes, I was one of those kids), breakfast, dinner, medical services at school (yes, the kids need them) but we are not creating a separation between need and dependency.

Originally Posted by spence View Post
Very deep thinking gentlemen.
There is no money to be made and power to be wielded for community action groups and politicians, that's why. It is easy to blame others for all the problems in the world, it is harder to lace up your own shoes and do it.

And seeing that you know the nuance and the rest of us are not deep thinkers, what would you do? You are a smart guy? What is your solution??

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