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Old 12-04-2015, 03:34 PM   #98
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Great, and sounds good in theory. She should have raised some red flags, and maybe his travel should have as well. The problem is, if he was on the 'watch list' many in the GOP argued against restricting guns for people on the watch list b/c the list might be wrong... how do we get past that mindset.

He was an American, who bought guns legally. How do we stop that by not being nice?
It is insane that anyone on the watchlist can buy a gun. If we stop that, and we should, that barely slows them down. we have an open border with Mexico. There will never be a shortage of guns. Never, ever, ever.

I'm no expert, and there are no easy solutions. But if the last 8 years have shown us anything, it's that we will not stop them by softening up as Obama has done.

I thnk I'm at the point where I wish this religion went away. Yes, 99% of them might be great, but 1% of 2 billion people is 20 million. Unless the 99% start exerting a whole lot more influence on the 1%...i don't know. I don't like where my thoughts are going, but I've seen enough blood at the hands of these people to have exhausted my patience.

For starters, I'd go back to pouring water up the noses of people we know for certain are involved. I'd cut of every cent of aid to every country that's stabbing us in the back on this. I'd get the doctor who helped us get Bin Laden out of prison, bring him here, give him his $25M reward, then tell the whole world that if you help us, we will treat you like a friend.

We know where the ISIS strongholds are. If I was in charge, those would be gone, smoldering, the sand would be glass for Nebe to work with. Start doing that, cut off aid to these countries, and let the 99% know that as soon as the 1% is completely routed, we will restore aid and help the 99% live better lives.

And if we have terrorists in custody who aren't ansewring our questions when we ask nicely...well, I would set up a CIA interrogation school that would teach waterboarding on the first day, and instruction in electroshock and fingernail removal before graduation, then I'd turn 'em loose.

every single war we've ever fought, has been horrible and ugly, and that's when we fight enemies that abide by the Geneva Convention. If we want to win this one, we're going to have to do things we've never had to do before. I don't like that one bit, but we didn't create that scenario. But if the choices are burying more innocent people, or torturing/slaughtering those who orchestrate the attacks...if those are the 2 choices, I know where I stand now, regardless of collateral damage. I'm just done, tired of seeing the grieving innocents.

Is there a Muslim country that is stable within its borders, and at peace with its neighbors? Any Muslim countries where Christians, women, and homosexuals live happy lives?

It's my understanding that one of the California victims was a Christian living in the Middle East, who came here to escape religious persecution. For her to come all the way here and still die at their hands...I just can't comprehend it.

And forget about the Syrian refugees, at least the Muslim ones. I presume the female killer made it through the vetting process, correct? Well, if so, guess what? It doesn't work. Bomb the ISIS strongholds into the Stone Age, and giveth erefugees a safe place within their own countries.

I may feel very differently in a month. This is how I feel now. I do not think this religion has any place in the civilized world.
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