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Old 12-08-2015, 07:08 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by spence View Post

Here's the rub, we can't control let alone defeat terrorism without Muslims at our side.

i wish they were on our side, where is the outpouring of muslim condemnation and anger directed at isis? maybe it's just me but i haven't heard much more than a bit lip service - not the outrage that one would expect from this peaceful religion.
It would be comforting if the so-called vast majority of moderate Muslims were called upon by their leaders to a jihad against the terrorists of whom it is said are blaspheming their faith. It shouldn't take long for that vast majority to absolutely crush those who are trying to destroy their faith. After all, the rest of the world wouldn't interfere--would even help them.

But, It seems that loud impressive sounding "condemnations" are proclaimed, which, I guess ,is supposed to be enough. I'm wondering what they are condemning them to.
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